At there is not only a portable PDP11 emulator, but also a disk dump of a real 7th Edition Unix system. What is missing is instructions for people unfamiliar with a PDP11 to proceed. I've never even seen a PDP11 but I've figured it out by trial and error. What follows is a walkthrough of a session, assuming you're in a directory to which you've just downloaded the two files linked above. On a Unix box, of course (Linux in my case.)
My input is in bold face. The notation ^D means I typed Control-D.
The disk image is not quite complete. There is no /tmp directory, nor is there a home directory for the historic userid dmr, so I made them. Then I quit out of the single user shell to bring the system up in multiuser mode, logged in as dmr, and compiled and ran a short C program. ^E escapes to the emulator control prompt.
markus% mkdir test markus% cd test markus% unzip ../ markus% unzip ../ markus% mkdir BIN markus% make markus% BIN/pdp11 PDP-11 simulator V2.10-0 sim> set cpu 18b sim> set tto 7b sim> attach rl unix_v7_rl.dsk sim> boot rl @boot New Boot, known devices are hp ht rk rl rp tm vt : rl(0,0)rl2unix mem = 177856 # cat /etc/passwd root:VwL97VCAx1Qhs:0:1::/: daemon:x:1:1::/: sys::2:2::/usr/sys: bin::3:3::/bin: uucp::4:4::/usr/lib/uucp:/usr/lib/uucico dmr::7:3::/usr/dmr: # mkdir /usr/dmr # chown dmr /usr/dmr # chgrp 3 /usr/dmr # mkdir /tmp # chmod 777 /tmp # ^D Restricted rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to restrictions stated in your contract with Western Electric Company, Inc. Thu Sep 22 05:51:05 EDT 1988 login: dmr $ ed hello.c ?hello.c a main() { printf("Hello World!\n"); } . w 40 q $ cc hello.c $ a.out Hello World! $ sync $ sync $ ^E Simulation stopped, PC: 016552 (JSR PC,2440) sim> quit Goodbye markus%Since the emulator is continually updated and occasionally moved around, the download links and walkthrough on this page may not be quite accurate. They worked on the date given at the top on a Redhat 8.0 Linux system. Note that the "ancient" versions of Unix are now available under a true open-source licence, and the disk image linked here contains partial system source code.