Some of the code that I wrote for my Amiga when I was hacking it way back when. Posted here just because I'm proud of it, not because it's likely to be any use to anyone now. All the same, if you want to use any of it, feel free to do so on any terms whatsoever (but drop me a line).
setbaud: set serial port's baud rate from the command line makefile setbaud.c setclock: query Capetronic QT/1200 modem and set system clock makefile setclock.c strings: a quick & dirty "strings" command makefile strings.c xo: display the internal structure of an object file makefile xo.c kickpatch: patches for an A1000 Kickstart 1.3 disk and program to apply them README makefile bin.out.h kickpatch.c diskfix.asm configpatch.asm configcode.asm My homemade SCSI system makefile My autoboot kickstart hack (goes right to hard disk from Kickstart, no need to insert Workbench disk). Not Commodore standard way of doing this. Specific to Amiga 1000 Kickstart 1.3 and NCR5380 SCSI chip (memory mapped, see registers.i for addresses, no interrupt). autoboot.txt automount.asm block0.h bootstrap.asm open.asm readsect.asm endskip.asm wackinit.asm loadseg.asm (not my code) dumpfile.c edboot.c The device driver. Specific to NCR5380. registers.i scsi.asm resetscsi.c Reset the SCSI bus geterr.c Retrieve most recent Request Sense data The TAPE: handler. Usable with any SCSI driver. README mountlist.tape tapedev.c req.c misc.c (not my code) Utility programs. Usable with any SCSI driver. dtest.c SCSI exerciser tool (to format disks etc.) f2hd.c Copy floppy to image file on hard disk hd2f.c Copy image file to floppy scandisk.c Quickly read through a floppy to scan for errors tape.c Program to archive floppy images on tape Everything in one gzipped tar fileTo Markus's Home Page