Mt. Redfield 1.6km distant Mt. Adams 7.7km distant Santanoni Peak 16.1km distant Panther Peak 16.1km distant Calamity Mtn 5.9km distant
Looking west from Mt. Skylight. Photo by Markus Wandel, taken on 2004/09/11 at 15:39:46.
Visible in this picture: Mt. Redfield Mt. Adams Santanoni Peak Panther Peak Calamity Mtn

Other views from this location (go to next / previous or click on any thumbnail)
Looking south at Allen Mtn, Cheney Cobble, Rist Mtn Looking northwest at Mt. Colden, Algonquin Peak, Wright Peak, Iroquois Mtn Looking northeast at Giant Mtn, Little Haystack, Mt. Haystack, Basin Mtn, Gothics Mtn, Pyramid Peak Looking east at Mt. Dix, Nippletop Mtn, Blake Mtn, , South Dix Mtn, Macomb Mtn Looking northeast at Mt. Marcy Looking northeast at Santanoni Peak, Panther Peak, Henderson Mtn, Mt. Adams, Calamity Mtn, Cliff Mtn, Mt. Emmons, Mt. Donaldson, Seward Mtn, Seymour Mtn, MacNaughton Mtn, Mt. Marshall, Iroquois Mtn, Algonquin Peak, Wright Peak, Mt. Colden, Gray Peak, Whiteface Mtn, Mt. Marcy, Hurricane Mtn, Basin Mtn, Gothics Mtn, Pyramid Peak, Little Haystack, Mt. Haystack, Giant Mtn, Dial Mtn, Nippletop Mtn, Mt. Dix, Mt. Colvin, Blake Mtn, Hough Peak, South Dix Mtn, Macomb Mtn

Index of all locations All pictures of this location     shows Santanoni Peak (clear)

Hike logs for this location: 20040911
External map links: Topozone, Mapquest, Yahoo Maps, Nearest Geocaches
Site links: Adirondack Summit Log, Outdoor & Travel page, Home Page