Mt. Colden 4.6km distant Avalanche Mtn 4.5km distant Iroquois Mtn 6.6km distant Algonquin Peak 5.5km distant Wright Peak 4.8km distant (previous location)
Looking southwest from Mt. Phelps. Photo by Daryl Boyd, taken on 2003/06/22 at 11:35:48.
Visible in this picture: Mt. Colden Avalanche Mtn Iroquois Mtn Algonquin Peak Wright Peak

Other views from this location (go to next / previous or click on any thumbnail)
Looking south at Mt. Marcy, Tabletop Mtn, Mt. Haystack, Basin Mtn Looking southwest at Iroquois Mtn, Algonquin Peak, Wright Peak, Seward Mtn, Street Mtn Looking northeast at Big Slide Mtn, Yard Mtn

Index of all locations All pictures of this location    Previous location was Wright Peak (clear)

Hike logs for this location: 2003/06/22
External map links: Topozone, Mapquest, Yahoo Maps, Nearest Geocaches
Site links: Adirondack Summit Log, Outdoor & Travel page, Home Page